
In this document, we document all the exception types that are covered by Ensemble Toolkit. This document is to be assumed as a growing list and not complete.

exception radical.entk.exceptions.EnTKError[source]

EnTKError is the generic exception type used by EnTK – exception arg messages are usually

exception radical.entk.exceptions.EnTKMissingError(obj, missing_attribute)[source]

MissingError is raised when an attribute that is mandatory is left unassigned by the user

exception radical.entk.exceptions.EnTKTypeError(expected_type, actual_type, entity=None)[source]

TypeError is raised if value of a wrong type is passed to a function or assigned as an attribute of an object

exception radical.entk.exceptions.EnTKValueError(obj, attribute, expected_value, actual_value)[source]

ValueError is raised if a value that is unacceptable is passed to a function or assigned as an attribute of an object