Source code for radical.entk.exceptions

__author__    = "Vivek Balasubramanian <>"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2017,"
__license__   = "MIT"

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[docs]class EnTKError(Exception): ''' EnTKError is the generic exception type used by EnTK -- exception arg messages are usually ''' pass
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[docs]class EnTKTypeError(TypeError): ''' TypeError is raised if value of a wrong type is passed to a function or assigned as an attribute of an object ''' def __init__(self, expected_type, actual_type, entity=None): if entity: msg = "Entity: %s, Expected (base) type(s) %s, but got %s." \ % (str(entity), str(expected_type), str(actual_type)) else: msg = "Expected (base) type(s) %s, but got %s." \ % (str(expected_type), str(actual_type)) super(EnTKTypeError, self).__init__(msg)
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[docs]class EnTKValueError(ValueError): ''' ValueError is raised if a value that is unacceptable is passed to a function or assigned as an attribute of an object ''' def __init__(self, obj, attribute, expected_value, actual_value): if type(expected_value) != list: msg = 'Value for attribute %s of object %s incorrect. ' \ 'Expected value %s, but got %s.' % (str(attribute), str(obj), str(expected_value), str(actual_value)) else: text = ','.join([str(s) for s in expected_value]) msg = 'Value for attribute %s of object %s incorrect. ' \ 'Expected values %s, but got %s.' % (str(attribute), str(obj), text, str(actual_value)) super().__init__(msg)
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[docs]class EnTKMissingError(AttributeError): ''' MissingError is raised when an attribute that is mandatory is left unassigned by the user ''' def __init__(self, obj, missing_attribute): super().__init__('Attribute %s in %s undefined' % (str(missing_attribute), str(obj)))
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