Source code for radical.entk.pipeline

__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2014-2020,'
__license__   = 'MIT'

import threading

import radical.utils as ru

from string      import punctuation

from .constants  import NAME_MESSAGE
from .exceptions import EnTKError, EnTKMissingError
from .exceptions import EnTKTypeError, EnTKValueError
from .stage      import Stage
from .           import states

[docs]class Pipeline(object): """ A pipeline represents a collection of objects that have a linear temporal execution order. In this case, a pipeline consists of multiple 'Stage' objects. Each ```Stage_i``` can execute only after all stages up to ```Stage_(i-1)``` have completed execution. """ def __init__(self): self._uid = ru.generate_id('pipeline.%(counter)04d', ru.ID_CUSTOM) self._name = None self._stages = list() self._state = states.INITIAL # Keep track of states attained self._state_history = [states.INITIAL] # To keep track of current state self._stage_count = len(self._stages) self._cur_stage = 0 # Lock around current stage self._lock = threading.Lock() # To keep track of termination of pipeline self._completed_flag = threading.Event() # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Getter functions # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def name(self): """ Name of the pipeline useful for bookkeeping and to refer to this pipeline while data staging. Do not use a ',' or '_' in an object's name. :getter: Returns the name of the pipeline :setter: Assigns the name of the pipeline :type: String """ return self._name @property def stages(self): """ Stages of the list :getter: Returns the stages in the current Pipeline :setter: Assigns the stages to the current Pipeline :type: List """ return self._stages @property def state(self): """ Current state of the pipeline :getter: Returns the state of the current pipeline :type: String """ return self._state @property def uid(self): """ Unique ID of the current pipeline :getter: Returns the unique id of the current pipeline :type: String """ return self._uid @property def luid(self): """ Unique ID of the current pipeline (fully qualified). For the pipeline class, his is an alias to `uid`. example: >>> pipeline.luid pipe.0001 :getter: Returns the fully qualified uid of the current pipeline :type: String """ if return else : return self.uid @property def lock(self): """ Returns the lock over the current Pipeline :return: Lock object """ return self._lock @property def completed(self): """ Returns whether the Pipeline has completed :return: Boolean """ return self._completed_flag.is_set() @property def current_stage(self): """ Returns the current stage being executed :return: Integer """ return self._cur_stage @property def state_history(self): """ Returns a list of the states obtained in temporal order :return: list """ return self._state_history # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setter functions # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @name.setter def name(self, value): invalid_symbols = punctuation.replace('.','') if not isinstance(value, str): raise EnTKTypeError(expected_type=str, actual_type=type(value)) if any(symbol in value for symbol in invalid_symbols): raise EnTKValueError(obj=self._uid, attribute='name', actual_value=value, expected_value=NAME_MESSAGE) self._name = value @stages.setter def stages(self, value): self._stages = self._validate_entities(value) self._stage_count = len(self._stages) if self._cur_stage == 0: self._cur_stage = 1 @state.setter def state(self, value): if isinstance(value, str): if value in list(states._pipeline_state_values.keys()): # pylint: disable=W0212 self._state = value # We add SUSPENDED to state history in suspend() if self._state != states.SUSPENDED: self._state_history.append(value) else: raise EnTKValueError(obj=self._uid, attribute='state', expected_value=list(states._pipeline_state_values.keys()), # pylint: disable=W0212 actual_value=value) else: raise EnTKTypeError(expected_type=str, actual_type=type(value)) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def add_stages(self, value): """ Appends stages to the current Pipeline :argument: List of Stage objects """ stages = self._validate_entities(value) self._stages.extend(stages) self._stage_count = len(self._stages) if self._cur_stage == 0: self._cur_stage = 1 for stage in stages: stage.parent_pipeline['uid'] = self._uid stage.parent_pipeline['name'] = self._name for task in stage.tasks: task.parent_pipeline['uid'] = self._uid task.parent_pipeline['name'] = self._name
[docs] def as_dict(self): """ Convert current Pipeline (i.e. its attributes) into a dictionary :return: python dictionary """ pipeline_desc_as_dict = { 'uid': self._uid, 'name': self._name, 'state': self._state, 'state_history': self._state_history, 'completed': self._completed_flag.is_set() } return pipeline_desc_as_dict
[docs] def from_dict(self, d): """ Create a Pipeline from a dictionary. The change is in inplace. :argument: python dictionary :return: None """ if 'uid' in d: if d['uid']: self._uid = d['uid'] if 'name' in d: if d['name']: invalid_symbols = punctuation.replace('.','') if not isinstance(d['name'], str): raise EnTKTypeError(expected_type=str, actual_type=type(d['name'])) if any(symbol in d['name'] for symbol in invalid_symbols): raise EnTKValueError(obj=self._uid, attribute='name', actual_value=d['name'], expected_value=NAME_MESSAGE) self._name = d['name'] if 'state' in d: if isinstance(d['state'], str) or isinstance(d['state'], str): if d['state'] in list(states._pipeline_state_values.keys()): # pylint: disable=W0212 self._state = d['state'] else: raise EnTKValueError(obj=self._uid, attribute='state', expected_value=list(states._pipeline_state_values.keys()), # pylint: disable=W0212 actual_value=d['state']) else: raise EnTKTypeError(entity='state', expected_type=str, actual_type=type(d['state'])) else: self._state = states.INITIAL if 'state_history' in d: if isinstance(d['state_history'], list): self._state_history = d['state_history'] else: raise EnTKTypeError(entity='state_history', expected_type=list, actual_type=type(d['state_history'])) if 'completed' in d: if isinstance(d['completed'], bool): if d['completed']: self._completed_flag.set() else: raise EnTKTypeError(entity='completed', expected_type=bool, actual_type=type(d['completed']))
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def suspend(self): ''' Pause execution of the pipeline: stages and tasks that are executing will continue to execute, but no new stages and tasks will be eligible for execution until `resume()` is called. - The `suspend()` method can not be called on a suspended or completed pipeline, doing so will result in an exeption. - The state of the pipeline will be set to `SUSPENDED`. ''' if self._state == states.SUSPENDED: raise EnTKError('suspend() called on suspended Pipeline %s' % self._uid) self._state = states.SUSPENDED self._state_history.append(self._state)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def resume(self): ''' Continue execution of paused stages and tasks. - The `resume()` method can only be called on a suspended pipeline, an exception will be raised if that condition is not met. - The state of a resumed pipeline will be set to the state the pipeline had before suspension. ''' if self._state != states.SUSPENDED: raise EnTKError('Cannot resume Pipeline %s: not suspended [%s] [%s]' % (self._uid, self._state, self._state_history)) self._state = self._state_history[-2] self._state_history.append(self._state)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Private methods # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def _increment_stage(self): """ Purpose: Increment stage pointer. Also check if Pipeline has completed. """ try: if self._cur_stage < self._stage_count: self._cur_stage += 1 else: self._completed_flag.set() except Exception as ex: raise EnTKError(ex) from ex
[docs] def _decrement_stage(self): """ Purpose: Decrement stage pointer. Reset completed flag. """ try: if self._cur_stage > 0: self._cur_stage -= 1 self._completed_flag = threading.Event() # reset except Exception as ex: raise EnTKError(ex) from ex
[docs] @classmethod def _validate_entities(self, stages): """ Purpose: Validate whether the argument 'stages' is of list of Stage objects :argument: list of Stage objects """ if not stages: raise EnTKTypeError(expected_type=Stage, actual_type=type(stages)) if not isinstance(stages, list): stages = [stages] for value in stages: if not isinstance(value, Stage): raise EnTKTypeError(expected_type=Stage, actual_type=type(value)) return stages
[docs] def _validate(self): """ Purpose: Validate that the state of the current Pipeline is 'DESCRIBED' (user has not meddled with it). Also validate that the current Pipeline contains Stages. """ if self._state is not states.INITIAL: raise EnTKValueError(obj=self._uid, attribute='state', expected_value=states.INITIAL, actual_value=self._state) if not self._stages: raise EnTKMissingError(obj=self._uid, missing_attribute='stages') annotated_outputs = {} for stage in self._stages: stage._validate() # pylint: disable=W0212 # validate provided annotations for task in stage.tasks: if not task.annotations: continue annotated_outputs[task.uid] = task.annotations.outputs for t_input in task.annotations.inputs: delimiter_count = t_input.count(':') if not delimiter_count: continue elif delimiter_count == 1 and '://' in t_input: # TODO: extend file representation format continue # ensure that task inputs are annotated as outputs # for corresponding tasks it depends on t_dep_uid, t_dep_output = t_input.split(':', maxsplit=1) if t_dep_output not in annotated_outputs.get(t_dep_uid, []): raise EnTKError( 'Annotation error for %s: ' % task.uid + 'provided input "%s" ' % t_dep_output + 'is not produced by assigned %s' % t_dep_uid)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------