Source code for radical.entk.execman.rp.task_manager

# pylint: disable=protected-access

__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2017-2018,'
__author__    = 'Vivek Balasubramanian <>'
__license__   = 'MIT'

import os
import queue
import pickle

import threading       as mt

import radical.pilot   as rp

from ...exceptions       import EnTKError
from ...                 import states, Task
from ..base              import Base_TaskManager
from .task_processor     import create_td_from_task, create_task_from_rp

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[docs]class TaskManager(Base_TaskManager): ''' A Task Manager takes the responsibility of dispatching tasks it receives from a queue for execution on to the available resources using a runtime system. In this case, the runtime system being used RADICAL Pilot. Once the tasks have completed execution, they are pushed on to another queue for other components of EnTK to access. :arguments: :rmgr: (ResourceManager) Object to be used to access the Pilot where the tasks can be submitted Currently, EnTK is configured to work with one pending queue and one completed queue. In the future, the number of queues can be varied for different throughput requirements at the cost of additional Memory and CPU consumption. ''' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def __init__(self, sid, rmgr, zmq_info): super(TaskManager, self).__init__(sid, rmgr, rts='radical.pilot', zmq_info=zmq_info) self._rts_runner = None self._zmq_info = zmq_info'Created task manager object: %s', self._uid)'tmgr_create', uid=self._uid) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def _tmgr(self, uid, rmgr, zmq_info): ''' **Purpose**: This method has 2 purposes: receive tasks from the 'pending' queue, start a new thread that processes these tasks and submits to the RTS. The new thread is responsible for pushing completed tasks (returned by the RTS) to the dequeueing queue. It also converts Tasks into TDs and CUs into (partially described) Tasks. This conversion is necessary since the current RTS is RADICAL Pilot. Once Tasks are recovered from a CU, they are then pushed to the completed queue. At all state transitions, they are synced (blocking) with the AppManager in the master process. **Details**: The AppManager can re-invoke the tmgr thread with this function if the execution of the workflow is still incomplete. There is also population of a dictionary, `placeholders`, which stores the path of each of the tasks on the remote machine. ''' session = rp.Session(uid=self._sid, _reg_addr=rmgr.pmgr.cfg.reg_addr, _role=rp.Session._DEFAULT) # FIXME: use a non-primary session for rp.TaskManager session._role = rp.Session._PRIMARY tmgr = rp.TaskManager(session=session) self._submitted_tasks = dict() self._total_res = {'cores': 0, 'gpus': 0} try: self._setup_zmq(zmq_info)'tmgr thread started', uid=self._uid)'Task Manager thread started') # Queue for communication between threads of this thread task_queue = queue.Queue() tasks_per_item = 1000 # sets a size of item for `Queue.put` # Pickle file for task id history. # TODO: How do you take care the first execution. pkl_path = self._path + '/.task_submitted.pkl' if os.path.exists(pkl_path): with open(pkl_path, 'rb') as f: self._submitted_tasks = pickle.load(f) # Start a thread to receive tasks and push to RTS self._rts_runner = mt.Thread(target=self._process_tasks, args=(task_queue, tmgr)) self._rts_runner.daemon = True self._rts_runner.start()'tmgr infrastructure setup done', uid=uid) # While we are supposed to run and the thread that does the work is # alive go. while not self._tmgr_terminate.is_set() and \ self._rts_runner.is_alive(): try: msgs = self._zmq_queue['get'].get_nowait( qname='pending', timeout=100) if msgs: for msg in msgs: if msg['type'] == 'workload': tasks = msg['body'] self._log.debug('Task queue: ready workload ' 'with %s task(s)', len(tasks)) queue_items = [ tasks[i:i + tasks_per_item] for i in range(0, len(tasks), tasks_per_item)] for item in queue_items: task_queue.put(item) elif msg['type'] == 'rts': self._update_resource(msg['body'], tmgr) else: self._log.error('TMGR receiver wrong message type') except Exception as e: self._log.exception('Error in task execution') raise EnTKError(e) from e self._log.debug('Exited TMGR main loop') except KeyboardInterrupt: self._log.exception('Execution interrupted (probably by Ctrl+C), ' 'cancel tmgr thread gracefully...') raise except Exception as e: self._log.exception('task %s failed') raise EnTKError(e) from e finally:'tmgr_term', uid=uid) if self._rts_runner: self._rts_runner.join() tmgr.close() self._log.debug('TMGR RTS Runner joined') self._prof.close() self._log.debug('TMGR profile closed')
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def _update_resource(self, pilot, tmgr): ''' Update used pilot. ''' # Busy wait unit RP TMGR exists. Does some other way make sense? self._log.debug('Adding pilot.') curr_pilot = tmgr.list_pilots() if curr_pilot: self._log.debug('Got old pilots') tmgr.remove_pilots(pilot_ids=curr_pilot) tmgr.add_pilots(pilot) self._total_res = {'cores': pilot['description']['cores'], 'gpus' : pilot['description']['gpus']} self._log.debug('Added new pilot')
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def _process_tasks(self, task_queue, tmgr): ''' **Purpose**: The new thread that gets spawned by the main tmgr thread invokes this function. This function receives tasks from 'task_queue' and submits them to the RADICAL Pilot RTS. ''' placeholders = dict() placeholders['__by_name__'] = dict() placeholders_by_name = placeholders['__by_name__'] placeholder_lock = mt.Lock() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def load_placeholder(task): with placeholder_lock: parent_pipeline = str(task.parent_pipeline['uid']) parent_stage = str(task.parent_stage['uid']) if parent_pipeline not in placeholders: placeholders[parent_pipeline] = dict() if parent_stage not in placeholders[parent_pipeline]: placeholders[parent_pipeline][parent_stage] = dict() if None not in [parent_pipeline, parent_stage, task.uid]: placeholders[parent_pipeline][parent_stage][task.uid] = \ {'path': task.path, 'uid': task.uid} parent_pipeline_n = str(task.parent_pipeline['name']) parent_stage_n = str(task.parent_stage['name']) if parent_pipeline_n not in placeholders_by_name: placeholders_by_name[parent_pipeline_n] = dict() if parent_stage_n not in placeholders_by_name[parent_pipeline_n]: placeholders_by_name[parent_pipeline_n][parent_stage_n] = dict() if None not in [parent_pipeline_n, parent_stage_n,]: placeholders_by_name[parent_pipeline_n][parent_stage_n][] = \ {'path': task.path, 'uid': task.uid} # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def task_state_cb(rp_task, state): try: self._log.debug('Task %s in state %s', rp_task.uid, rp_task.state) if rp_task.state in rp.FINAL: task = create_task_from_rp(rp_task, self._log, self._prof) # to AppManager self._advance(task, 'Task', states.COMPLETED, 'cb-to-sync') load_placeholder(task) tdict = task.as_dict() # to WFprocessor self._zmq_queue['put'].put(qname='completed', msgs=[tdict])'Pushed task %s with state %s to completed', task.uid, task.state) except KeyboardInterrupt as ex: self._log.exception('Execution interrupted (probably by Ctrl+C)' ' exit callback thread gracefully...') raise KeyboardInterrupt(ex) from ex except Exception as ex: self._log.exception('Error in RP callback thread: %s', ex) raise EnTKError(ex) from ex # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- tmgr.register_callback(task_state_cb) try: pkl_path = self._path + '/.task_submitted.pkl' while not self._tmgr_terminate.is_set(): try: body = task_queue.get(block=True, timeout=10) except queue.Empty: # Ignore, we don't always have new tasks to run continue task_queue.task_done() self._log.debug('Task queue: got workload with ' '%s task(s)', len(body or [])) if not body: continue bulk_tasks = list() for msg in body: task = Task(from_dict=msg) load_placeholder(task) bulk_tasks.append(create_td_from_task( task, placeholders, self._submitted_tasks, pkl_path, self._sid, self._log, self._prof)) self._advance(task, 'Task', states.SUBMITTING, 'tmgr-to-sync') if bulk_tasks: tmgr.submit_tasks(bulk_tasks) self._log.debug('Exited RTS main loop. TMGR terminating') except KeyboardInterrupt: self._log.exception('Execution interrupted (probably by Ctrl+C), ' 'cancel task processor gracefully...') raise except Exception as e: self._log.exception('%s failed', self._uid) raise EnTKError(e) from e
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def start_manager(self): ''' **Purpose**: Method to start the tmgr thread. The tmgr function is not to be accessed directly. The function is started in a separate thread using this method. ''' # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init, access-member-before-definition if self._tmgr_thread: self._log.warn('tmgr thread already running!') return try:'creating tmgr thread', uid=self._uid) self._tmgr_terminate = mt.Event() # preserve session before forking session = self._rmgr.session self._rmgr._session = None self._tmgr_thread = mt.Thread(target=self._tmgr, name='task-manager', args=(self._uid, self._rmgr, self._zmq_info)) self._tmgr_thread.daemon = True self._rmgr._session = session'Starting task manager thread')'starting tmgr thread', uid=self._uid) self._tmgr_thread.start() self._log.debug('tmgr thread "task-manager" started') return True except Exception as e: self._log.exception('Task manager not started') self.terminate_manager() raise EnTKError(e) from e
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # pylint: enable=attribute-defined-outside-init, access-member-before-definition